Friday, 19 March 2021

Emirates Team New Zealand WINS The 36th America’s cup

Te Rehutai is the name of the boat of Emirates Team New Zealand. Emirates Team New Zealand is the winner when it competed with Luna Rossa in the 36th America's cup. Now the next America’s cup is going to be in New Zealand again because whichever country wins the America’s cup the next race is going to happen in that country. 

So if Luna Rossa won the race then the next America’s cup would happen in Italy but New Zealand is the holder of 36th America’s cup. In the picture the team looks so happy but they deserve a break now The next America's cup is going to be in 2025. They're celebrating in the picture because they won and the skipper is Peter Burling (skipper means captain).

Te Rehutai means in Te Reo Maori - Spirit of the Ocean.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021